We're reading tutors. We're dyslexia tutors. We're spelling tutors. We're dysgraphia tutors.
"Our second grader was struggling with reading and was assessed as dyslexic. We started working with Kids Up Reading and 6 months later her reading, spelling, and confidence levels have all improved dramatically."
– Second Grade, McLean, VA

What is Dyslexia?
You can find the official definition from the International Dyslexia Association HERE.
We generally think of dyslexia as
- unexpected difficulty learning to read and spell
- often (but not always) the result of weak phonological skills
Who Tests Students for Dyslexia?
Psychologists, not tutors, test students for learning disabilities and can diagnose conditions such as dyslexia and dysgraphia.
Some schools and school psychologists avoid the terminology "dyslexia" and "dysgraphia" and instead refer to a student’s challenges as "specific learning disabilities in reading and spelling."
Our Dyslexia Tutoring is Based on the Science of Reading,
including Orton-Gillingham
On the left is a video example of the Orton-Gillingham Blending Board we use to teach our students to read.
All students who are struggling with reading and spelling need systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics and fluency. Students with dyslexia need MORE of that instruction and additional opportunities to practice reading and spelling words, sentences and stories.
Our online dyslexia tutors teach students to read and spell using the Science of Reading, including the multisensory Orton-Gillingham approach to teaching phonics. These methods work beautifully for ALL struggling readers, whether or not they've been diagnosed with dyslexia.

Does Online Dyslexia Tutoring Actually Work?
Even children who disliked Zoom school and hid under their desks during the pandemic thrive in our 1:1 Zoom sessions with their tutor.
They’re happy, they’re engaged and, most importantly, they’re learning to read and spell.
"Daniela was instrumental in advancing my daughter's ability to read. She helped guide us through a diagnosis, getting help through the school, and encouraging my daughter to flourish."
- Second Grade, Seattle, WA
We Specialize in Online Dyslexia Tutoring
We work with ALL students who are struggling with reading and spelling, including students with dyslexia and dysgraphia.
Approximately half of the students we work with have been diagnosed with dyslexia or a specific learning disability in reading.
You don’t need an official diagnosis to know your child needs help. We’ll teach your child to read regardless of how old they are, what grade they’re in, and whether they’re just a little behind their classmates or have been struggling for years.
Does Online Dyslexia Tutoring Actually Work?
Even children who disliked Zoom school and hid under their desks during the pandemic thrive in their 1:1 Zoom sessions with our tutors.
They’re happy, they’re engaged and, most importantly, they’re learning to read and spell.
And because we’re online, you won’t need to sit in traffic or in the waiting room of a tutoring center, or have a tutor interrupt your daily routine. With convenient online tutoring, you can do more frequent sessions, get your student caught up to their peers more quickly, and move on with your lives!
"Daniela was instrumental in advancing my daughter's ability to read. She helped guide us through a diagnosis, getting help through the school, and encouraging my daughter to flourish."
- Second Grade, Seattle, WA

"My 7-year-old daughter is mildly dyslexic, and when she left first grade she wasn't able to read for more than 10 agonizing minutes before giving up, exhausted and upset.
She started with Kids Up the summer between first and second, and it turns out she's an avid leisure reader — she just needed her ability to be unlocked. Halfway through second grade, she's reading fluently for a couple hours a day (!)."
– Fourth Grade, McLean, VA