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Reading and Dyslexia Tutors

Reading and
Dyslexia Tutors

Kid's Up Reading Coaches spelled in Blue an Yellow text next to an illustration of an open book
Reading and Dyslexia Tutors


Schedule a call with our kids reading tutor, Crystal
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Rearranged Copy of Testimonials

Schedule a call with our kids reading tutor, Crystal
The contact form to learn more about the program

Does this program really work?  Hear it directly from parents!


Don't see your city listed below?  No worries! We work with students all across the U.S.

Fluent Readers

"I thought he would read aloud, but he said he wanted to read to himself. I kind of assumed he wasn't really reading the chapter when he was doing it in his head. But when he said he was done, I asked him to tell me what happened, and he was able to pretty clearly articulate what he had read. I was astonished and proud."

Fourth Grade

Barnaby Woods, DC

"Sam [who worked with Kids Up Reading Coaches 2 years ago] is doing extremely well with his reading at school. Today we got his reading scores, and he is in the 90th percentile."

Second Grade

St. Paul, Minnesota

"Our child went from basically ZERO phonics to being able to sound words out within the academic year. Highly recommend if your child needs help with reading." 

Sixth Grade

Hyattsville, MD

"Our second grader was struggling with reading and was assessed as dyslexic.  We started working with Kids Up Reading and 6 months later her reading, spelling, and confidence levels have all improved dramatically."

Second Grade

McLean, VA

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the amazing gift you have given Parker and Ian over the past couple of years. So much in life stems from one's ability to read, and I will forever be grateful to you for giving my boys the confidence and ability to read well."

2 First Graders, a few years apart

Chevy Chase, DC​

"Over the summer, I noticed that my daughter (who was going into the 6th grade) was struggling reading fluently and pronouncing certain words that should come easily to someone her age.  I searched for reading tutors and found Kids Up Reading Coaches.  Daniela and Caitlin worked with her for over 3 months and they transformed her into a strong, confident reader.  Her spelling has improved and I can see that she truly enjoys reading now.  The team is amazing and I am truly grateful that we found them!"

Sixth Grade

La Jolla, CA

"My 7-year-old daughter is mildly dyslexic, and when she left first grade she wasn't able to read for more than 10 agonizing minutes before giving up, exhausted and upset. She started with Kids Up the summer between first and second, and it turns out she's an avid leisure reader — she just needed her ability to be unlocked. Halfway through second grade, she's reading fluently for a couple hours a day (!)."

Second Grade

Rockville, MD

"[She] is so much improved. She seems to be flying through Diary of a Pug, not getting tripped up on too many words, handling some tricky words well, understanding the story as she reads, and clearly enjoying it with her dramatic renditions."

Third Grade

AU Park, DC

"Kids Up Reading Coaches worked around our school schedule and was able to not only catch them up to their peers, but also instill a love of reading."

First & Third Grade

Boise, ID

"Daniela was instrumental in advancing my daughter's ability to read.  She helped guide us through a diagnosis, getting help through the school, and encouraging my daughter to flourish.  I highly recommend her services to everyone and anyone."

Second Grade

Seattle, WA

Good Spellers

Schedule a call with our kids reading tutor, Crystal

"We have appreciated the detailed updates you have provided, your incredible patience, flexibility, and enthusiastic positivity. I know [he] has really enjoyed working with you and we are grateful for his progress, especially in spelling."

Ninth Grade

Arlington, VA

"Madeline reports that she got all the words right on her spelling test today. Thank you!!!"

Third Grade

Bethesda, MD


"The biggest difference to me is how little I have to coach him (aka fight him) on writing a complete sentence any more."

Fourth Grade

Wilmington, NC

"His spelling level at school is up from a B to an E!  So grateful for this opportunity!"

Third Grade

Tucson, AZ


"When we saw some of his reading and writing work, we were absolutely blown away.  He was able to write a whole story about his first karate class, using excellent grammar and spelling."


Second Grade

Chevy Chase, DC

"It's great to really see his growing confidence and less anxiety around his spelling!  Thanks for all your ongoing, creative efforts to make spelling fun for him."

Sixth Grade

Chevy Chase, MD

Confident Students

"Kids Up Reading Coaches has given our rising tenth grader newfound confidence in both reading and writing. ...Daniela Feldhausen and later Crystal McCue ... focused on the basics of word structure, origin, spelling, sound, and meaning – fundamentals that were surprisingly never taught him. Thanks to Kids Up Reading Coaches, our son is now more meaningfully engaged with words and by extension, with reading. His reading comprehension and confidence are high again, and his coaches have put our bright and curious son on a good path. We highly recommend Kids Up Reading Coaches to parents of kids who may find themselves in the same place we were." 


10th Grade

Arlington, VA


"Maxi has really blossomed into an excellent reader under your guidance.  He is doing very well in school, reading on his own for pleasure, and even helping other kids in his classroom."



Cleveland Park, DC


"My daughter did not like to read and was struggling with her reading fluency, especially after the pandemic. The one-on-one time she spend with her reading tutor really boosted her confidence and prepared her for middle school."

Sixth Grade

Arlington, VA

"Peter's conference made me cry, in a good way. His teacher says he is doing extremely well, absolutely on track, and that she never, ever would have imagined that he was behind grade level expectations last year."


Second Grade

Chevy Chase, DC


"He's definitely improving and becoming more confident in reading... And I love the detailed reports of things he's working on."

Fifth Grade

Arlington, VA


"Our 7 year old son was behind in reading and Kids Up has greatly increased his reading confidence.  We noticed improvement quickly and he was catching up to his peers in only a few months.  He now reads for fun!"


First Grade

Palisades, DC

"I'm not exaggerating in saying I'm amazed at the results. After she'd been in tutoring for about four months, we had her 504 meeting at the school. We all decided she didn't need a 504 plan at all — she is reading at grade level and excelling academically."

Second Grade

Rockville, MD

"His reading, writing and spelling have improved so much, which in turn has done wonders for his confidence!"

First Grade

Fulton, MD

"It's even more amazing to see every day. She helped me do her sisters' bedtime story a few nights ago - and it was fun! no stress! Totally confident. It's truly amazing."

First Grade

Cleveland Park, DC


"Sammie says the tutoring is really helping and she feels more confident reading out loud at school this year."

Second Grade

Chevy Chase, DC

Fluent Readers. Good Spellers. Confident Students.

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